The Commitment of Metrotenerife

Since its beginnings, Metrotenerife has accepted a commitment to providing service to society on our island.

Each and every one of the staff at Metrotenerife personally accepted that commitment on joining the company, and they strive day by day to do their best to improve quality in the service and to achieve the full satisfaction of those using the tram everyday.

Hombre vajando en tranvía
Metrotenerife values customer service as being fundamental to the development of our service, which allows all Tenerife residents and visitors, regardless of the capacities or disabilities, to fully enjoy reliability, punctuality, accessibility and comfort when traveling
Information Offices

Metrotenerife has two Information Offices at both termini of Line 1. The offices provide customers with any information they may require about the tram (lines, timetables and bus links) and ticket types, which can be purchased at the offices, accept payment of penalties, in addition to dealing with customers’ enquiries or suggestions.

Furthermore, our commercial offices also deal with any matter requiring the presence of a Metrotenerife staff member.

Oficina de Metrotenerife en La Trinidad, La Laguna
Trinidad Office
Avda. La Trinidad – La Laguna
Horario: 8:30 – 19:45 horas (de lunes a viernes)
Oficina Trinidad en Google Maps (enlace externo)
Oficina de Metrotenerife en el Intercambiador de Santa Cruz
Intercambiador Office
Calle Víctor Zurita Soler – Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Horario: 8:30 – 19:45 horas (de lunes a viernes)
Oficina Intercambiador en Google Maps (enlace externo)
Contact us Form
Customer Service Centre

Phone:  922 099 119 / 900 906 545
ten+móvil: 922 099 390 / 900 909 019

Timetable: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 16:00


Head Office

Ctra. General La Cuesta-Taco nº 124
38108 La Laguna – Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Islas Canarias – España
Phone: 922 024 800

Timetable: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 15:00

Head Office on Google Maps
Access to Head Office from Santa Amelia Street on Google Maps