Constituted on January 22, 2001, Metropolitano de Tenerife (Metrotenerife) is a Public Company. The Cabildo Insular de Tenerife (the Tenerife Island Government) holds a 100 % stake in the company since Tenemetro, S.L. (Transdev/Sacyr/Ineco) sent its 14% stake. Metrotenerife was originally founded to launch an alternative means of transport in the form of railway lines on the island of Tenerife. To do so:
- The first aim of Metrotenerife was to carry out all the necessary studies for the design of an effective and efficient railway network within the laws and regulations of the Autonomous Region of the Canary Islands, Spain and the European Union.
- The second aim was the construction and set in motion of the first railway lines, which contribute to relieving traffic congestion, facilitate and meet the transport demands of Tenerife’s population and visitors to the island.
Subsequently, Metrotenerife also offers its consulting and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) services within the railway infrastructure sector.
Metrotenerife is a member of the UITP (International Association of Public Transport) Light Rail Committee and is one of two Spanish representatives on the Light Metro Committee, and belongs to the Latin American Metro and Subway Association, Alamys, and also to the Collective Urban Transport Association, ATUC.

The credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) upholds the credit rating of Metropolitano de Tenerife, S.A. (Metrotenerife) with the long-term rating of ‘A’ and the short-term rating of ‘A-1’ with stable outlook, equal to the rating of the Kingdom of Spain.
S&P agency considers that prudent financial debt and liquidity management policies have strengthened Metrotenerife’s long-term financial and treasury position.
Metrotenerife joined the BuildingSMART Spanish Chapter association in July 2020. Comprising all actors in the construction sector, the association’s main objective is to promote efficiency in this industry by using open standards of interoperability on BIM (Building Information Modeling) to reach new levels in cost and time-reduction as well as increasing quality. In order to maintain the international BIM standards, the exchange of information between partners and the identification of success stories are promoted with the aim of sharing and extending the use of this technology.
Metrotenerife came into being in the year 2001, as part of an initiative of the Tenerife Island Government to seek new public transport solutions in a territory limited in size and highly congested. Currently, Metrotenerife is a solid company, dedicated to the customer and to self-sufficiency with income from the two trams lines the company operates covering all operating and maintenance costs. The metropolitan area of the island, where the implanting of new connection routes was most urgent, was the first goal of the new company, which, in just a few years and only after an in-depth study of the situation, accomplished an efficient, sustainable solution – the Tenerife tram was born. Line 1 has been in service since 2007 and later a second line opened and formed part of the tram network in the metropolitan area. The time came to think of the rest of the island in the search for other initiatives to improve public transport. Metrotenerife is working on railway projects for the north and south of the island, with the ultimate aim of building a railway network that would serve the whole island. Between initiatives, the company continues to improve existing facilities and developing other projects… Focusing on the market, the company is growing and expanding with the same idea they started out with, seeking innovative, effective solutions in public transport. The projection and construction of various transport facilities; the analysis and design of new projects, etc. give the company integral autonomy and the capacity to export the knowledge they have achieved in the development of their own business activity. At present, Metrotenerife has the capacity to provide a range of services and assistance to other transport operators, based on the knowledge acquired through their own experience, the application of good practices implemented in their management and, finally, the accomplishment of the excellent results obtained.
At Metrotenerife, we work with high standards in quality so that our customers can travel with the maximum guarantees in safety, accessibility and efficiency, and with the greatest respect for our social and natural environments. With that in mind, we have drawn up and follow our policies in Quality and Accessibility, Sustainability and Safety and Health.
As a socially responsible company, Metrotenerife has deployed and ambitious plan for Corporative Social Responsibility through which the company has channelled numerous actions of solidarity in different areas. From making donations and sponsoring projects to collaborating with and supporting specific actions, Metrotenerife has worked to get their values and social policies across to the public: the Sustainable Mobility Contest (Concurso de Movilidad Sostenible), the Pardela Project by the Association Cordinating the Physically Disabled in the Canary Islands (`Proyecto Pardela´ de la Coordinadora de Personas con Discapacidad Física de Canarias), the Documentary entitled ‘People, the Cosmonaut’ by the ‘En Pie’ Foundation (`Personas, el Cosmonauta´ de la Fundación `En Pie´), the Tenerife Food Bank Aid (Banco de Alimentos de Tenerife), the film ‘Six points about Emma’ (`Seis puntos sobre Emma´). We traditionally collaborate with ONCE in training its members to familiarise them with the use of our tram. We can also mention our participation in socio-educational projects such as “Los Cuentos de Don Tapón”, or our support for groups and organisations that fight against diseases or for health, such as Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (AECC), Queremos Movernos, Ámate, Instituto Canario de Hemodonación y Hemoterapia (ICHH), as well as the collaboration we offer to different groups of adapted sports, such as Atletas sin Fronteras and Midayu, or cultural projects for the promotion of reading such as “Leemos en el tranvía” (We read on the tram) or “La ciudad de Galdós” (The city of Galdós).
The social commitment and dedication to serving the public of Metrotenerife have accorded us a series of awards and recognitions throughout our years serving the public. In this section we acknowledge those people who have made them possible and thank the companies and organisations that have honoured us with their recognition.