How do I travel?
- Acquire your ticket at any of the ticket machines located at tram stops or at the commercial offices. Also online, entering the ten+móvil app or going to the website.
- Wait until the tram has come to a complete halt at the stop and press the button to open the door to board
- Validate your ticket as soon as you board the tram, including when transferring, at any of the validators located next to the doors. If several people travel on the same ticket, the ticket must be validated for each person travelling. When travelling with the ten+móvil app, you must validate your digital ticket by focusing on the QR codes inside the tram with your mobile phone, as indicated by the app.
- Alight from the vehicle at your destination. The tram calls at every stop and you simply have to press the button to open the door and alight

Double Tram

Greater capacity, greater comfort
The double tram (two vehicles coupled) enables us to double the capacity of the system.
We use double trams at certain times of the year when the service needs to be reinforced, like during the carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife or on the eve of the Three Kings when large numbers of people travel within the metropolitan area.
Advantages of using the tram
The tram links Santa Cruz and La Laguna, offering a variety of advantages for residents of the two cities and of the island in general:
You’ll arrive punctually and quickly
This transport system guarantees punctuality and reliability, as it runs on an exclusive line, without obstacles and is never affected by traffic.
You’ll be contributing to help the Environment
Help to ease traffic congestion, help by using this clean and silent means of transport to improve our health and quality of life in the city.
You’ll travel safety and comfortably
The tram is one of the safest means of transport with a low accident rate per hour and passengers travelling. The system uses the latest technological means and materials in impact protection, wheel-slide protection and slip resistance. You’ll travel in comfort with low-floor access, ergonomic seats, wide windows for natural light and to enjoy the views, air conditioning and a tannoy system announcing each stop. Ideal for shopping and leisure.
Substantial savings
Subsidised, reasonable prices reflect on your household economy. You’ll also be helping to integrate two cities, expanding the metropolitan area at the price as the old urban ticket.
Accessible Transport
Tranvia de Tenerife is public transport for everyone – it is fully accessible. The first public transport system in Spain to be certified by AENOR and on which we are ever vigilant to make sure nothing stops you travelling
You’ll have more time for yourself
The tram guarantees you’ll have more time for yourself – it gives you relaxing trip to read, listen to music, chat to friends or family or simply to enjoy your thoughts stress free.
- Allow others to alight before boarding
- Children under 5 travel free of charge
- Always validate your ticket, even when transferring
- Penalty for travelling without a valid ticket 400€
- Passengers must not play loud music or music that may
be heard by other passenger - No smoking, eating or drinking onboard the tram
- Do not put feet on seats
Sharing of public space, Civism and Rules: pedestrians, drivers, passengers
Customer Rights
- To be informed about the service type and possible incidences.
- To purchase the ticket type of his/her choice according to fares and conditions displayed on the approved Fares List.
- To travel with a valid ticket purchased before commencing his/her journey.
- To be treated correctly, pleasantly and diligently by Light Metro staff, when requesting help and/or information.
- To choose not to continue his/her journey and to be given a replacement ticket or a full refund of the cost of the ticket.
- To lodge any complaints he/she may have regarding Light Metro services by means of the Complaints Forms available at the operator’s commercial offices
- To receive a response to any complaint lodged within a period of less than a month.
- In the case of the elderly, pregnant women and other collective groups determined by the company, to have access to clearly signposted, reserved seating.
- Users with reduced mobility shall have clearly marked access to the tram, in addition to reserved space onboard the tram for safe travel.
- To carry any objects or packages by hand, providing they do not pose any discomfort or danger for other users.
- To travel with bicycles when conditions onboard the tram are apt and in doing so, do not cause discomfort to other users and when Tram Staff deem these conditions to be met.
- Light Metro customers, in case of accident, are entitled to claim compensation that may correspond, if that were the case.
Customer Obligations
- To carry a validated ticket and to keep said ticket safe throughout the journey and make it available to Light Metro staff on request – except in the case of children under 5 accompanied by an adult and who do not occupy a seat.
- To validate his/her ticket, including concessionary tickets (for the retired, disabled, etc.) when transferring between services.
- To show identification when requested to do so by Light Metro staff.
- To conduct themselves correctly towards other users and Light Metro staff.
- To give up reserved seats for the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women or those bearing young children.
- To refrain from smoking, eating, consuming toxic substances, alcohol or drugs and from dropping litter on the tram.
- Activating the emergency doors without due cause will result in prosecution for endangering the lives of customers of the Light Metro.
- It is prohibited to force or interfere with tram door mechanisms.
- Must not beg, sell produce of any kind, distribute publicity or hang posters inside vehicles or at tram stops.
Offences are those behaviours described in Tenerife Tram Services Regulation published in Santa Cruz de Tenerife Official Gazette, number 55, Wednesday April 29th 2015. Thus, the following will be considered an offence, travelling without ticket or an incorrect one, smoking or the bearing of a lit cigarette on all vehicles and on all premises forming part of the tramway network, or any actions resulting in damage to or the soiling of vehicles, fittings or property, and, in general, and conduct causing prejudice to the service or the operator.
Employees of the Tramway will be, in exercising their inspection functions, considered officers of the law.
Penalties, which by their very nature may lead to prosecution, will be reported by Metropolitano de Tenerife to the competent legal body.
Methods of Payment
In the case a penalty is paid within 5 working days from the day following the reported offence, the sum due will be reduced to 40€ without prejudice to the submission of pertinent statements and appeals. Payment of penalties may be made at the Commercial Offices of Metropolitano de Tenerife, S.A. Customer Service telephone number: 922 099 119 / 900 906 545
The Tenerife Island Government plenary, at a regular session held on December 23 2014, agreed the approval of the modification of Tenerife Light Metro Service Regulations. The full text is attached in pdf format: