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On Sunday 7th ‘Come to Santa Cruz’ with the tramway

September 05, 2014

Metropolitano of Tenerife (MTSA) joins the iniciative ‘Come to Santa Cruz’ this Sunday 7th with a special service. The trams of Line 1 are going to run every 12 minutes from 11:00 to 14:00 hours.

After this special service, the Line 1 will run with its normal frequency (every 15 minutes until 21:00 hours and every 30 minute until 24:00 hours).

Moreover, Zona Comercial Tranvía, the Trade Development Plan for the metropolitan area, is going to set up a children’s workshop of paper jellyfish in Plaza del Príncipe (Santa Cruz) from 11:00 to 14:00 hours.

More information on social networks, Facebook and Twitter (@tranviatenerife and @zctranvia).

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