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Tenerife Tram, eight years of service and more than 105 million passengers

June 01, 2015

Last June 2nd Tenerife Tram celebrated its eighth anniversary. This public transport has reached more than 105 million passengers and it has got reliability in the service of almost 100 %. In this time, it has realized more 1.082.695 commercial trips and the trams have crossed 10.646.667 kilometers. In 2014, the number of passengers increased 2,5%.

Currently, Metrotenerife staff is making up by 178 direct workers besides the several external services where around 250 persons work.

The president of the Tenerife Island Government and Metrotenerife, Carlos Alonso, affirmed that ‘accessibility, comfort, safety and reliability are the main characteristics of the service´, also for the 50.000 clients who use the tram daily. In addition, he indicated that the tram has helped to improve the metropolitan environment because it has eliminated approximately two million cars journeys per year between Santa Cruz and La Laguna.

El presidente de Metrotenerife, Carlos Alonso, destaca el octavo aniversario del tranvía.

Client’s profile

According to the latest survey carried out by Metrotenerife, the profile of the typical client is as follows:
• Gender: 59% women
• Age: 35% 25-45
• Occupation: 25% employed.
In addition, the tram service has received a score of 8 on 10 and its frequency and punctuality have been valued positively.

Accessibility and innovation

The most important award has been the AENOR Universal Accessibility certificate in 2011 for all their services that turned into the Tenerife Tram in the first transport public of Spain with this distinction.
On the other hand, Metrotenerife has made technological innovations such as Vía-Móvil, the design and activation of an integral digital application for public transport travel, or the development of SIMOVE, a driving safety system to avoid speed-related accidents.

Finally, Metrotenerife has developed a line of technical assistance for the different phases of a mobility plan to take part in national and international tenders.

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