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Tram turns 13 years with an accumulated figure of 175 million of passengers

June 02, 2020
  • Tenerife Tram turns 13 years since its put into service and reaches the historical figure of 175 million of passengers. With reliability around 100%, the light rail provides coverage to the 66% of the population in the metropolitan area and finished 2019 with the highest figure so far, more than 15,5 million of passengers.

The first vice-president of the Island Government, Enrique Arriaga, congratulated to the all staff of Metrotenerife for this anniversary and thanked their hard work and professionalism during these 13 years and, especially, the last months because they have been crucial in making the public transport safe and reliable against Covid-19.

On the other hand, the island director of Mobility, José Alberto León, has highlighted the work of Metrotenerife that has become tram an essential service for the citizens and the Island Government supports its development and reinforcement as an example of sustainable public transport.

In these 13 years, Tenerife Tram has registered more than 1,8 million of commercial travels and the vehicles have accumulated a total of 18 million of kilometres.

According to the last Demand Study of Metrotenerife, the clients have valued with 8 points on a scale of zero to ten and the environment (8,48) continues to head the ranking of 12 aspects of service with the highest valuation.

The commercial service has been parallel with the activity of Metrotenerife. The company is well positioned in the railway sector and provides technical assistance on four continents.



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