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The association ‘Queremos Movernos’ launches the campaign ‘¡Queremos vivir en color!’ at the tram stops

April 13, 2016

Metrotenerife collaborates with the association ‘Queremos Movernos’ in the campaign ‘¡Queremos vivir en color!’ to raise awareness about the right of disabled people to have an autonomous and independent life.

The Social Responsibility Plan of Metrotenerife has installed this campaign at the tram stops displays. The director of Metrotenerife, Andrés Muñoz de Dios; the president of ‘Queremos Movernos’, Ana Mengíbar; the director of Publiservic, Tomás Martín, that also collaborates with this initiative, and other members of Metrotenerife and the association were also present.

Imágenes de la presentación de la campaña y del cartel.

Ana Mengíbar thanked Publiservic and, specially, Metrotenerife for collaborating in this campaign and for the commitment that always has had with the disabled people.

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