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Tenerife tram, 9 years of services and more than 118 million passengers

May 31, 2016

This Thursday, 2nd of June, Tenerife Tram celebrates its ninth anniversary with more than 118 million passengers transported and improving the sustainable and accessibility mobility in the metropolitan area.

Imagen de la campaña del noveno aniversario.Carlos Alonso, president of Tenerife Island Government and of Metrotenerife, emphasized that the institution is very satisfied with the balance of these nine years. Also he thanked the trusting users in this public transport and for Metrotenerife staff who works every day to offer the best possible service.

The annual demand has kept, practically, in 13 million passengers. The year 2011 registered the higher number of users with around 14 million users and the month with more number of cancellations was October of 2009 with 1.348.917. The reliability weekly of service has been over 99%. The fleet of 26 trams has crossed more than 12 kilometers and registered 1.300.000 commercial trips.

El tranvía ha transportado más de 118 millones de viajeros.

Valuation of service

The average note, that the users gives every year to the tram, has always been over 8 on 10. The Punctuality has been the aspect best valued with scores over 8,5. The profile of the typical client has not changed. It is a female worker between 25 and 45 years.

Metrotenerife ha exportado el modelo de tranvía dentro y fuera de España.

International projection

Metrotenerife has 180 workers, it is a local company with international projection. Recently it has got the bidding for commercial service of Bahía de Cádiz tram, but also it has signed contracts with the trams of Zaragoza, Jerusalén, Rabat-Salé and Málaga. Besides, Tenerife Tram works at the technological innovation with the development of SIMOVE and Vía-Móvil.

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