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The Island Government and the University of La Laguna join to promote the initiative ‘March, month of Mathematics’

March 15, 2021

The Island Government and the University of La Laguna (ULL) collaborate to promote the initiative ‘March, the month of Mathematics’ on the stops and screens of the tram and bus services. In that regard, the Mobility director, José Alberto León, and the rector of University, signed this agreement that will be current up the end of this month.

José Alberto León highlighted that the public transports help with the mobility and now also collaborate in the spread of the mathematical knowledge. On the other hand, the rector of the University of La Laguna, Rosa Aguilar, who thanked the support of Metrotenerife and Titsa, explained that ‘March, the month of Mathematics’ is the largest national initiative to show to the citizens and students how mathematics improve our lives. The promotional material has been designed by the canarian illustrator Carla Garrido.

Autoridades del Cabildo de Tenerife y la Universidad de La Laguna en la presentación del acuerdo de colaboración.

In the case of Tenerife Tram, the campaign can be seen on eight tram stops as well as the LED screens of Weyler, La Paz, Hospital Universitario and Padre Anchieta. On the other hand, Titsa will broadcast the videos on the screens of buses and stops. Both transport operators will spread the campaign on their social networks (Facebook Twitter and Instagram).

As now, in 2019 Metrotenerife and Titsa collaborated with the Mathematics Faculty, through their Social Responsibilities Plans, to commemorate his 50th anniversary with several initiatives on trams and buses.

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