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300 pupils of La Laguna took part the VII edition of ‘Leemos en el Tranvía’

April 24, 2018

Nearly 300 pupils of fifth and sixth grade elementary school of La Laguna took part in the VII edition of ‘Leemos en el Tranvía’. In this initiative collaborate Metrotenerife, the Local Government of La Laguna, the Island Government and the Spanish Association of Reading and Writing (AELE).

Twenty two pupils of CEIP San Bartolomé de Tejina opened this new edition with two readings at the tram stop La Trinidad and on the occasion of the ‘Día del Libro’, the children delivered parchments with poems, which have been chosen themselves.

Autoridades y alumnos posan en grupo en la parada La Trinidad.
The town councilwoman of Education, Atteneri Falero; the island minister of Culture, José Luis Rivero; and the communication head of Metrotenerife, Santiago Correa, support the pupils in this first day of ‘Leemos en el Tranvía’. The project also develops workshops in the classrooms so the children work the texts and the characters.

Alumnos leen fragmentos literarios en la parada La Trinidad.

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