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Tenerife tram begins rail maintenance works in the Music Conservatory of Santa Cruz section

May 31, 2021

The Island Government, through Metrotenerife, and coordination with the Santa Cruz City Council, begins rail maintenance works on the tram platform, from this Thursday 1st to Friday 11th, near the Music Conservatory of Santa Cruz (Pedro Suárez Hernández Street). The tram service keeps operating with total normally during these works.

The downward and upward left lane will be occupied as stock area and safety zone for the workers. There will be an operational lane for the traffic.

Cartel informativo en la calle Pedro Suárez Hernández.

The works will carry out in daytime and nighttime with the aim to maintenance the tram service and to reduce the execution lead times. Metrotenerife will watch over to minimise the inconveniences that may be caused.

With these works, the service will improve its comfort, reduce the noises of the trams running and make easy future maintenance works.

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