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Tenerife Tram grinds rails in about 10 kilometres of its route

October 06, 2021

Metrotenerife has recently started to grind rails on different sections of the tram network. As in the past, the works will last more than a month, and include preventive and corrective grinding on the two lines in service, in a total of about ten kilometres of the route. The Tenerife Tram carries out this intervention, approximately every two years, in order to return the rail to its profile and maintain the passengers´ comfort levels, while reducing the noise in the circulation of their vehicles.

As usual, this grinding work is being carried out at night, outside the commercial hours of the tram service, by Mecno Service, an Italian company with great experience in the railway maintenance sector.
Tenerife tram network has more than 16 kilometres of the route and the grinding is one of the maintenance actions that Metrotenerife has scheduled for this year. A few months ago the operator renovated much of the rails and installed the device, developed and patented by the company itself, ‘Removable Insulating Chamber for Grooved Rail’.

Máquina de amolado en el tramo de Teatro Guimerá.

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