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The ‘pink tram’ against breast cancer is already working in the metropolitan area

October 08, 2021

The vice-president of the Island Government and president of Metrotenerife, Enrique Arriaga, and the president of the Breast Cancer Association of Tenerife (ÁMATE), María del Carmen Bonfante, presented a tram labelled with the image of the campaign ‘Prevention, the greatest gesture of love’, which will be operating on Line 1 for a month. Also, attended this event, the island director of Mobility, José Alberto León, and the manager of Publiservic, Tomás Martín, a company that assumes the cost of this tram labelled.

Foto de familia de ÁMATE, con Enrique Arriaga, presidente de Metrotenerife y Tomás Martín, gerente de Publiservic.

Enrique Arriaga has expressed his satisfaction for being able to collaborate with ÁMATE through “a labelled tram, with which to transmit, as ÁMATE points out in its campaign, that prevention is the greatest gesture of love”. Arriaga estimates that about a million and a half people can see this action for a month, so “the Island Government and Metrotenerife consider it of great importance to launch this message of prevention through this medium, because it reaches many people”.´

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