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The Tenerife Tram recovers 89% of its demand

December 17, 2021

The Tenerife Tram, transport company of the Island Government, continues to recover its passenger demand rates, which in this last month of November was 89% compared to the same period of 2019, year before the pandemic. Also, and in relation to 2020, the tramway network has experienced an increase in the number of passengers of 22%, between January and November of this year.

The vice-president of the Island Government and president of Metrotenerife, Enrique Arriaga, points out that “the recovery of passengers on the tram is a reflection of confidence in public transport “. In fact, adds Arriaga, “with this rate we hope to close the year 2021 with 12.4 million passengers, 20% more than last year”

Usuarios accediendo al tranvía.Christmas is one of the busiest periods for the tram and for that reason the special services plan has been activated, as informed the director of Mobility, José Alberto León. He also reports that “commercial forecasts indicate that 1,100,000 passengers will be transported during these days of the Christmas and Wise Men, although everything will depend on the evolution of the pandemic”.

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