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Closure of the fifth edition of ‘Leemos en el tranvía’

May 29, 2015

The Tenerife Island Government, the local Government of La Laguna, the Spanish Association of Reading and Writing and Metrotenerife have closed the fifth edition of ‘Leemos en el tranvía’. A total of 338 pupils from twelve schools have taken part in this edition.

Santa Rosa de Lima School, that has taken part every year, has received the visit of Insular and local authorities. Carlos Alonso, president of the Tenerife Island Government and Metrotenerife, has emphasized the importance of reading in the education of the students as persons and citizens. Also he added that the promotion of the reading inside the tram contributes to the students interest in literature.

Visita institucional al Colegio Santa Rosa de Lima.

From March to April, the students dedicated more than 40 hours of reading. They have read the literary works of Canary authors such as Gianni Rodari, Luis Feria, Tomás de Iriarte, Liliana Cinetto y Domingo J. Manrique, among other, and specially Arturo Maccanti’s poetry, Letras Canarias Award 2015.

Leemos en el Tranvía, project created in 2010 by the Spanish Association of Reading and Writing, has this blog, as a support of communication where the children write their experiences in the tram.

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