The Island Government applies discounts up to 70% in sports, cultural and leisure services for senior over 65 years old and disabled persons that have the transport ten+ card, which offers also a discount of 70% in the tram and bus services.
The president of Island Government, Carlos Alonso, explained that the goal is to implement these discounts to other services and thus continue adopting new measures of the ‘Pacto Social de Rentas’ to increase the affordability levels of these people. The Island Government wants that ten+ card will be a citizen card that allows to apply discounts and so to promote the economic inclusion for all social groups. It has received 12.000 requests of the ten+ new transport cards in seven days.

Seniors and disabled people, who are interested of these discounts, must have the ten+ card. All the person interests can ask for it at the citizen information offices of the Island Government, where they will know the requirements of age, residence and income. It is estimated that 23.000 persons will benefit the discounts in the following centres or services: -Sports Sports Complex of Tenerife, Athletics Center of Tenerife and the initiative Reto Blue Trail. -Culture Island Government’s bookshop, the Opera season, TEA and Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. -Agriculture Programs for handling crop-protection. -Economic development Fairs organized by the Island Government in the Trade Fair Centre of Tenerife.