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Metropolitano confirms its commitment to O.N.C.E.

August 23, 2014

El presidente de Metropolitano, Carlos Alonso, entrega bonos a la ONCE para la formación de sus afiliadosMetropolitano de Tenerife (MTSA) renews the agreement with the National Organization of the Blind People of Spain (O.N.C.E.) in Tenerife to continue with the training of their members in the use of the tram. The president of the Cabildo of Tenerife and MTSA, Carlos Alonso, has provided the transport tickets for this training to the head of the Delegation of the O.N.C.E. in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Andrés Guillen.

The training consists in knowing the routes, stops, … and also identifying the buttons to open doors, placing the canceling or QR codes, learning to validate tickets (included Via Movil), etc.

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