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Metrotenerife and Titsa collaborate with ICHH to promote the blood donation in the metropolitan area

March 13, 2021

The public transport companies, Metrotenerife and Titsa, collaborate with the Canarian Institute of Hemodonation and Hemotherapy (ICHH) as reported the first vice-president of the Island Government, Enrique Arriaga, and the president of ICHH, Teresa Gutiérrez, and the managing director of Publiservic, Tomás Martín, to launch the blood donation campaign ‘The Club of 300 donors’. The collaboration agreement focuses on a labelled tram and tram stop to 15th May.

Enrique Arriaga, first vice-president of the Island Government and president of Metrotenerife y Titsa, encouraged all citizens to donate blood with the aim to maintain the blood stock.

On the other hand, Teresa Gutiérrez, highlighted that the tram of Line 1 has a significant impact on the urban area and, for that reason, the campaign will be seen not only by the trams user but also by visitors to the metropolitan area.

‘The Club of 300 donors’ has the support of Publiservic. Its managing director, Tomás Martín, mentioned the pride of his staff to carry out of this campaign and remembered that to donate blood means to donate life.

Autoridades de Metrotenerife, Titsa, ICHH y Publiservic en rueda de prensa.

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