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Record demand of Tenerife Tram in October: 1.377.000 passengers

November 20, 2017

Tenerife Tram gets records passengers in October with 1.377.133 users, the greatest demand since the commercial exploitation of the services. So far the tram has transported 12.000.000 passengers.

During this year the demand’s Tenerife Tram has progressed above the marketing forecast and in October this increase has been more significantly with 1.377.133 users, 9,66% more compared with the same month of 2016 (+ 121.312). The weekend’s demand and the average of passengers on a working day were 20.714 and 55.716, respectively.

App ten+movil
The demand’s ten+movil was 28% of the total demand of tram service and registered 60.100 unique users. Since it was launched in 2013, the app accumulates 15.980.255 cancellations.

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