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Students of La Laguna take part in ‘Leemos en el Tranvía’

April 18, 2017

Metrotenerife, the Local Government of La Laguna and the Tenerife Island Government, with the support of the Spanish Association of Reading and Writing, have launched a new edition of the project ‘Leemos en el Tranvía’. A total of 119 pupils of the schools CEIP El Ortigal, CEIP Prácticas Aneja, CEIP Clorinda Salazar and CEIP Aguere take part in this initiative that offers 20 hours of reading in the tram during April.

On every trip, 6 or 7 pupils will read works of literature of the authors from Canary Island such as Pedro García Cabrera, Rafael Arozarena y Cecilia Domínguez, among others.

Autoridades y alumnos en la parada La Trinidad.

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