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Tenerife tram celebrates 11 years of service with record of year-on-year demand and more than 146 million of passengers

June 01, 2018

Tenerife tram turns 11 years of public service on 2nd June. Perfectly integrated into to urban landscape, the rail light has revolutionized the public transport concept changing the travelling habits of the citizenship and contributing to the quality of the environment in the metropolitan area. With a historic result of 146.446.000 passengers, the tram celebrates its eleventh anniversary with a new record of year-on-year demand, 14.414.125, the highest figure since its inauguration and with the recently international award Fundacom by the organization the last year of the Tramdriver European Championship.

The president of the Island Government and Metrotenerife, Carlos Alonso, underlined that “the Tenerife tram had established itself as one of the most competitive in Spain due to its good results. The good work and the daily dedication of its staff, the implementation of improvements and innovations, its social engagement and the high level of demand have made it the referent for the sector. This illustrates once more that the tram, as others public transports, is a key to getting a sustainable mobility, which we are working in the island institution”.

Tranvía circulando por la rotonda Tres de Mayo.

Historic demand: more than 146 million of passengers

Since 2nd December 2007, the progression of the company and the service has been constant, reaching 146.446.000 passengers. Special mention is made, its certification of Universal Accessibility of AENOR, obtained since 2011. About to turn 11 years of service, the Tenerife tram reaches a record of passengers. During the first quarter of this year, the demand increased the 2,89% and that allowed getting year-on-year demand of 14.414.125 users, the amount of passengers so far.

International projection

With an average staff of 180 direct employees, Metrotenerife is a local company with international projection by its technological innovations, by the technical assistance services for the development the mobility plans and by its business management. In fact, Metrotenerife has been awarded the last week with the communication award Fundacom 2018, in the category ‘External event up to 1.000 persons’ by the organization and the celebration of the sixth Tramdriver European Championship in June 2017.

With this import award, Fundacom rewards the excellence and best practice of the public relations and of the organizational communication of the best projects produced and broadcast in Spanish and Portuguese.

Tranvía en la parada Padre Anchieta.

In relation of the technical assistance, Metrotenerife have obtained international contracts with the Public Transport Authority of Jerusalem, and national contracts with the Zaragoza tram, Metro Ligero Oeste (Madrid), and, one of the more recent agreements, the train-tram of Cadiz. The Temporary Business Associations, composed by Metrotenerife and GPO (2iT) is in charge of the start-up of this transport.

The new technologies is another area of work promoted by Metrotenerife, who has developed the application Vía-Móvil, now called ten+móvil, ant that exceeds the 66.500 unique clients and more than 20 million of accumulated cancellations, or the On-board Speed Monitoring, SIMOVE, that the last year was awarded by the Global Light Rail in the category of the best safety initiatives. This system is installed in the tram fleet and besides it is in the design and the industrialization phase for its commercialization in the railway sector.

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