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Tenerife Tram ends 2015 with over 4 % growth in demand

February 04, 2016

Metrotenerife ended 2015 with encouraging signs in the commercial operation of the tram. The metropolitan transport service has, for the second year running, seen an increase in the number of passengers.

Tenerife Tram closed the last financial year with a total of 13,273,083 passengers – an increase of 4.29 % over 2014 and 6.53 % over 2013. “This growth in demand is linked to the economic situation in Spain, which seems to be recovering from the profound crisis suffered in recent years, and so we trust that this recovery in demand will continue after several years of falling numbers of users. We are optimistic and believe that in the coming years we will be able to continue along this line, that is, go on seeing moderate, continuous growth”, stated Andres Muñoz de Dios, general manager at Metrotenerife.

With more than 13 million passengers in 2015, Tenerife Tram reached a milestone 112,535,974 passengers after eight and a half years in operation. It should be noted that Metrotenerife operates two lines on 15 kilometres of track and provides services for over 60 % of the island’s metropolitan area population.

El tranvía en la parada Fundación.

One of the initiatives launched by Metrotenerife and consolidated in 2015 as a competitive and efficient tool at the service of public transport on the island, is the electronic ticketing system Vía-Móvil (external link, which, in its second year, surpassed 3.5 million journeys and was used daily by more than 29,000 users. The latest data shows that more than 25% of tram users are using the app as their regular method of payment and that some 60,000 users have downloaded the application.

Vía-Móvil is an application created by Metrotenerife for use on its trams, whose use was extended in 2015 to the islands’ bus services. The app allows passengers to purchase and validate tickets by means of their mobile telephones, in addition to offering access to all updated information on public transport services.

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