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Tenerife tram presents its Christmas campaign ‘Los Reyes además de Magos, son sabios’

December 19, 2016

Metrotenerife, in collaboration with Zona Comrecial Tranvía, has launched the Christmas campaign ‘Los Reyes además de Magos son sabios’. This time Metrotenerife focuses on the ‘assistants’ of the Reyes Magos. The president of Tenerife Island Government and of Metrotenerife, Carlos Alonso encouraged to using the tram services because it facilitates the trips between the cities Santa Cruz-La Laguna and because it runs along the shopping zones.

The image campaign will be in the main tram stops, in one of the trams and also it will be spreading through the social networks.

Tenerife tram offers advantages to the Three Wise King ‘assistants’ as on-time service, preference over the traffic, closeness to the shopping area besides special services for Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve and Reyes Magos day on 5th Thursday.

El presidente del Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, y el consejero insular de Comercio, Efraín Medina, presentan la campaña de Navidad en la parada Intercambiador.

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