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The Government of Tenerife promotes blood donation with the collaboration of Metrotenerife and Titsa

June 13, 2022

Metrotenerife and Titsa, transport companies of the Government of Tenerife, have renewed the collaboration agreement with the Canary Institute of Hemodonation and Hemotherapy (ICHH) with the presentation of the awareness campaign ‘Donate blood is an act of solidarity’ labelled on a tram, which is launched on the eve of the celebration of Donor Day, 14th June, and also the campaign is broadcasting on their buses screens.

The event took place at the Interchange stop in Santa Cruz and was attended by the president of Metrotenerife and Titsa, Enrique Arriaga, and the president of the ICHH, Maria Teresa Gutiérrez, as well as, the director of Mobility at the Government of Tenerife, José Alberto León.

Autoridades de Metrotenerife, del Instituto Canario de Hemodonación y Hemoterapia, de Titsa y Publiservic junto a tranvía rotulado.

Arriaga explains that “on the eve of Donor Day, we activate the new campaign of the ICHH in the collective public transport of the island. That way we collaborate to promote the need for blood donations with the goal to maintain stocks. It is a responsibility of all and we appeal to the solidarity of the population through this campaign that we advertise on our tram”.
María Teresa Gutiérrez thanked the Government to Tenerife, Titsa, Metrotenerife and Publiservic for their commitment and stresses that every day the Canary Islands need 300 bags of blood. In that regard, this visibility “helps us to the society take a responsible step with our health system”.

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