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The Island Government asks for the citizenship´s collaboration to comply with the capacity of the public transport

July 10, 2021

The Island Government asks for the citizenship´s collaboration to enforce the capacity limits on the public transport due to the new legislation as a result of increased Covid-19 infection in the Canary Islands. For this reason, from Sunday 11th, the capacity of the bus service (Titsa) as well as the tram service (Metrotenerife) will be reduced to 33% on urban and metropolitan lines.

The island director of Mobility, José Alberto León, explained that, to comply with the regulations, the collaboration of the Police has been requested to control the main tram stops. Likewise, Metrotenerife will also increase the security inside trams and Titsa will strengthen the lines with the highest demand.

Usuarios en parada de tranvía.

The information about timetables, frequencies and measures are available at stops, social networks, apps, and on the webs of Metotenerife and Titsa. The use of facemask is compulsory inside the vehicles, at stops and interchanges of transport.
The Island Government remains that, since the beginning of the pandemic, Metrotenerife and Titsa have adapted different sanitary measures, the installation of air purifying systems, new disinfecting products and the increase of the cleaning services of vehicles, stops and interchanges.

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