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The Tenerife Island Government, Cabildo, has received the national award 2014

January 14, 2015

The president of the Tenerife Island Government has received the national awards 2014 in the category of Universal Accessibility-Fundación Vodafone.

El presidente del Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, recoge el premio Cermi 2014.

Luis Cayo Pérez, the president of Cermi, supports the accessibility policy on the Island and encourages the Government to go on with the improvements. Tenerife tram, Sinpromi and Tenerife’s Museum have the AENOR Universal Accessibility certification and they are working for an accessible city.

The Cermi awards recognizes the initiatives of persons or institutions for the benefit disabled persons and their families in the labour field, social investigation, universal accessibility or institutional area.

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