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The Tram hosts the dogs training of the local police of the Canary Islands

January 21, 2022

Metrotenerife has hosted a new course of police intervention with dogs on the public transport for the local polices of the Canary Islands. The Canary Academy of Security, with the collaboration of Metrotenerife, has been carrying out this type of exercise on the tram with canine units that are trained in drug detection.

Instructores y agentes de formación en guías caninos en cocheras.


Enrique Arriaga, vice president of the Island Government and President of Metrotenerife, explains that this action has been coordinated by the police officer of Santa Cruz, Víctor Alejo Rodríguez, and the trainers Yeray Mesa and Carlos Díaz. A total of 25 officers from La Orotava, Granadilla, La Laguna, Santa Cruz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Ingenio, taken part in this training.

The exercises focused on the location of the narcotic substance on people and inside the tram through the police dogs Teno and Odín. This training is fundamental for canine units to get used to this kind of public transport.

Adiestramiento canino en interior del tranvía.

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