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Metrotenerife collaborates once again with the Summer Sessions of Taco

August 02, 2022
    • Metrotenerife, the transport company of the Government of Tenerife, joins the Summer Sessions that this August take place at the Cultural Center El Polvorín de Taco.

Enrique Arriaga, President of Metrotenerife, points out that “as members of the community of Taco and La Cuesta, from Metrotenerife we support this interesting socio-educational and cultural action that Kaua, a Youth and Cultural Association, carries out in the near to the service of our tram. For this reason, we will provide transport passes for the monitors and the young people who participate in this initiative, and we will also deliver several material so that the girls and boys can use it during the summer sessions”.

Monitores y grupo de niños de las Jornadas de Verano visitando la zona de talleres.The director of Mobility, José Alberto León, recalled that “Metrotenerife collaborates with this citizen and community action practically from its beginnings, with the original project ICI Taco, developing activities such as ‘Readings in the Tram’ and ‘Health Pills’, besides supporting the movements of the participants towards the cultural and sports centres of Taco and La Cuesta”.

The Summer Sessions are aimed at children, youth and families of Taco, La Cuesta and other La Laguna neighbourhoods.

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