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Photographic exhibition ‘El antiguo Tranvía de Tenerife’ in La Cuesta

May 11, 2016

The Neighborhood Association La Cuesta de Arguijón, Metrotenerife and the Local Government of La Laguna have organised the exhibition ‘El antiguo Tranvía de Tenerife’ at the Centro Multifuncional el Tranvía.

Autoridades asistentes al acto de presentación de la inauguración.

It will be open to the public until May 20th , in memory of the 7th anniversary of Line 2, La Cuesta-Tíncer. The historian Rafael Cedrés has selected photos of the tram, which ran between Santa Cruz and Tacoronte from 1901 to 1956, and also of the Central Station in La Cuesta.

Cartel promocional de la exposición.

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