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Presentation of a labelled tram to promote the blood donation

March 16, 2021

The campaign of the Canarian Institute of Hemodonation and Hemotherapy (ICHH) has begun to promote the blood donation with the presentation of the labelled tram and the slogan ‘The Club of the 300 donors’ that will remain valid until 15th May. Also, the Weyler tram stop has been labelled with this campaign. The Island Government, through Metrotenerife and Titsa, collaborates with this initiative.

Enrique Arriaga, president of both public transport companies, explained that the main message of the labelled tram is to save lives with a simple gesture, to donate blood. Teresa Gutiérrez, director of ICHH, is sure that this labelled tram will contribute to achieve daily 300 blood bags necessary for hospital care.


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