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The Island Government increases the number of senior people who can benefit from transportation discounts

February 05, 2018

The Island Government will expand the number of senior people who will be able to take advantage of the transportation discounts to travel on the interurban bus and tram lines.

Carlos Alonso, president of the Island Government, announced “this important step for mobility” during the act of delivery of the firsts Transport Cards of Tenerife `tenmás’ to a group of representatives of senior people and people with disabilities.

In the event were also the councilor of Social Action of the Island Government, Coromoto Yanes; the insular director of Promotion and Mobility, Miguel Becerra; and the managers of TITSA and Metrotenerife, Jacobo Kalitovics and Andrés Muñoz de Dios, respectively.

Autoridades del Cabildo de Tenerife, Metrotenerife y Titsa comparecen en el Salón de Plenos, acompañados de distintos colectivos de discapacidad y mayores.

Alonso explained that the Island Government will approve to increase to 650 Euros of pension to people who have the right to travel at reduces prices, until now was limited to people who had a non-contributory pension. With this decision will be expanded from 6.000 to 12.000 the number of people over 65 who may qualify for a bonus of 70%.

The new transport cards ´tenmás’ replace the current cards and are rechargeable with the same 12 Euros. During the month of February and until March 5th , the sending of personalized cards with the name of the owner will be done by mail to the home of the users.

The ´tenmás´ transport card means a change in the way of payment in buses and trams through contactless technology. Since July 2017, there are already more than 14.000 young people from Tenerife who have their personalized ´tenmás’ card.

The transport card of Tenerife `tenmás´ will be able to reload as many times as necessary both online, in the external link, as information and sales offices of Titsa and Metrotenerife and in vending machines of stops of the tram, mainly.

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