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The Island Government and AECC launched an awareness campaign

May 17, 2021

The Island Government, through Metrotenerife, and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) signed a collaboration agreement to promote on the tram stops the AECC campaign ‘You can change #The other side of the coin’ with the aim of raising awareness of the poverty situation of the cancer patients. This initiative will be seen by 6,000 persons between passengers, pedestrian and drivers.

Autoridades del Cabildo, AECC y Publiservic en la parada Fundación, junto a la campaña.

The Mobility director, José Alberto León, explained that the campaign will be not only in 10 mupis of the tram stops, but also on the social networks of Metrotenerife (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @tranviatenerife), which have more than 35,000 followers. He also recalled that the Social Responsibility Plan of the tram operator is supporting several associations in their actions.

David Cova, vice-president of AECC, thanked the collaboration of Metrotenerife and pointed out that the campaign is linked to its annual fundraising that allows them to keep working for the equal opportunities in early detection, diagnosis and treatment of the cancer.

Publisevic has also joined this initiative with the logistic of the posters on tram stops.

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