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Metrotenerife, 10 years committed to the accessibility

June 08, 2018

The Island Government and Metrotenerife celebrate the 11st Anniversary of tram service with the publication of the report ‘Tenerife Tram. 10 years of Universal Accessibility 2007-2017’. The document sets out the main actions developed by the tram transport operator in collaboration with the collectives of the disability. A social commitment awarded with the certification of Universal Accessibility of AENOR in 2011. The report is available in digital format on the official web of Metrotenerife,

The president of the Island Government and Metrotenerife, Carlos Alonso; the vice-president of Sinpromi, Coromoto Yanes; the island director of Development, Miguel Becerra; the president of Cermi-Canarias, Javier Bencomo; and the director of Metrotenerife, Andrés Muñoz de Dios, accompanied by a representation of each collectives of the disability, presented this publication with an AA level of accessibility and tested by Sinpromi.

Carlos Alonso highlighted the effort, the advice and the boost of Metrotenerife in collaboration with the associations. Andrés Muñoz de Dios want to congratulate the work of the tram staff “always committed for moving forward in this area”.

Autoridades e intérprete de signos en rueda de prensa.

Javier Bencomo emphasized the accessibility of the tram as a national referent and the sensitivity of the public administrations. Coromoto Yanes believes that the key of the success has been listened the collectives and to know their reality. Miguel Becerra commented that the Island Government keeps working to extend the accessibility and made reference to the extension of the tram line towards the neighbourhoods of the south-west of Santa Cruz.

The accessibility as priority

The cooperation between Metrotenerife, Sinpromi and the associations during the initial phase of the project and the tram service, as well as the Accessibility Management System, were important for that the Tenerife Tram got in 2011 the certification of the Universal Accessibility according the UNE-170001-2 Standard. Currently this public transport is the first and the only with this accreditation.

Autoridades de Cabildo y Metrotenerife acompañados por los representantes de los colectivos de la discapacidad.

Actions on installations and services

The report shows, with the support of photos, the actions that Metrotenerife made on its installations and services since June 2007. Ten years concentrated on the accessibility as recognizes the collectives of the disability: AENOR, Cermi Canarias, Sinpromi, ONCE, Apanate, CoordiCanarias, Ademi Tenerife, AHETE, Queremos Movernos, Fundación en Pié, Fundación Tutelar Sonsoles Soriano, Asociación Educativa-Formativa Jáslem, Asociación de Ataxias del Atlántico, Funcasor, AFES Salud Mental, Fasican and Down Tenerife.

The app Vía-Móvil (currently called ten+móvil) with the voice-over system, the restructuring of the commercial offices, the isquiatic supports at the tram stops, the opening push-buttons in Braille, the official website with an AA level, the project Pardela to analyse the urban accessibility or the educational agreements with the collectives of the disability are some of the actions that Metrotenerife has carried out over the last 10 year.

Pincha aquí para descargar la noticia en formato .pdf

Report ‘Tenerife Tram. 10 years of Universal Accessibility 2007-2017’.

Video-presentation of the report. 

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