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Diploma Award Ceremony of `Leemos en el Tranvía´ project at Hispano Británico and Aguere schools

June 18, 2015

Tenerife Island Government, La Laguna Local Government, the Spanish Association of Reading and Writing and Metrotenerife have visited Hispano Británico and Aguere schools.

Carlos Alonso, president of the Tenerife Island Government, Andrés Muñoz de Dios, the Managing Director of Metrotenerife, and other authorities, gave the diplomas to the 25 pupils of the Aguere School and 44 pupils of the Hispano Británico School who have participated in ‘Leemos en el Tranvía 2015’.

‘Leemos en el Tranvía’ has the blog where the children have written their experiences after reading in the tram.

Entrega de diplomas 'Leemos en el Tranvía'.

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