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On Friday 12th tram will have partial cuts of the service for the celebration of the Virgin of Candelaria Pilgrimage

October 10, 2018

On the occasion of the Virgin of Candelaria pilgrimage to Santa Cruz city, Metrotenerife has scheduled partial cuts in the tram service of Line 1 and Line 2 in those sections close to the pilgrimage: Taco Avenue and Rosario Road. All this with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of this multitudinous event and the development of the tram service itself on the rest of the line.

Metrotenerife will keep users informed at tram stops, through the customer service telephone, and on the social networks (Facebook and Twitter, @tranviatenerife). Around 1:30 pm the Virgin of Candelaria pilgrimage will run along Taco Avenue and the Rosario Road for the meeting with patients, relatives and staff of the Candelaria Hospital.

The tram service will remain suspended only between Tíncer-El Cardonal stops on Line 2 and between Taco-Chimisay stops on Line 1. The service will continue to operate on the rest of the tram network as usual. From 2:30 pm the service will be restored on both lines.

Also, there will be partial cuts on Line 1 in the city center of Santa Cruz around 7:45 pm, in Weyler Square, and about 9:40 pm in the section of the Fundacion stop.

These modifications to the service are subject to the development of the event and the coordination of the Local Police. Metrotenerife requests for understanding and the maximum collaboration to achieve the best service on this special day.

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