The Tenerife Tram Mobility and Demand Study consolidates the quality of the transport service. Once again, this year, its passengers who give it a score of 8.15 out of 10, on the same line as in previous years, have rated the tram service very satisfactorily.
The study shows that the aspect most highly valued by users was the environment, with a score of 8.79, followed by accessibility and punctuality, with 8.71 and 8.53. These last two attributes; together with safety are the most important aspects for the users with scores higher than 9.

The survey was conducted in the first half of the year through a total sample of 1,352 interviews, with a confidence level of 95%. The survey also reports that 26, 5% of those interviewed propose to increase the service with the extension of the network or reinforcement of services, among other issues.