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Tenerife tram users value with 8,21 the service

March 10, 2016

Tram service registers again a good valuation according to the last Study of Demand 2015. A total of 1.321 persons were interviewed in several tram stops in October of 2015.

Valuation of the service

The users value with 8,21 out of 10 the tram service. One more time, Punctuality (8,8), Frecuency (8,58) and Accessibility (8,56) are the aspects better valued.

User’s profile

The majority of the users are women, 60%. The study also describes the user’s profile as young (67%), student (37%), urban (90% of the clients live in the metropolitan area) and connected to the social networks (71%).

Usuarios accediendo al tranvía.

Tram usage frequency

The 66% of clients uses the tram 4 or 5 days a week. The average of weekly use is 4,37 trips and the daily is 2 trips. The reasons of journeys are for work 22 %, studies 23 % and to go home 21%.


The students are the major users of Vía-Móvil with 53%. Besides, the 99% of clients are satisfied with this app and recommend it.

Vía-Móvil is an innovative integral digital ticketing system developed by Metrotenerife, external link

Improvements of the tram

The 30% of the survey respondents ask for changes in the transport fares and the 21% more railway services.

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