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The Tram moved 77,000 people during the weekend Carnival

June 29, 2022

Metrotenerife, company of the Government of Tenerife, has completed its special operation of double trams for the Carnival in Santa Cruz with around 77,000 passengers transported during the past weekend. The Day Carnival registered the highest volume of demand with 61,400 users and the night service had an 8% growth compared to the Carnival of 2019, before the pandemic.

Enrique Arriaga, the president of Metrotenerife, explains that “the demand figures have been low, a 13% less than the Carnival of 2019 (88.273 passengers). He adds that this celebration has not developed in the same conditions as in other years, that is, in the month of February and with two weeks of events. We’ve only had one Carnival weekend and, even so, the demand in the Day and Night Carnival has been 61,400 and 15,300 passengers, respectively”. Also, Arriaga informs that the tram service accumulates around 7 million of passengers in the first six months of this year, that means a 20% more than the same period in 2021.

Tranvía doble en parada Teatro Guimerá.

The director of Mobility at the Government of Tenerife, José Alberto León, is pleased with the special operation of Metrotenerife “with service of double trams for 66 hours and a security point installed at the stop La Paz, which was developed normally and without any significant incidents”, and, thanks to the service of all the Metrotenerife staff that worked during these days such as drivers, regulators, ticket collectors, maintenance technicians, etc, as well as the State Security units and the rest of the cleaning and security staff who provide services for the company.

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