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Metrotenerife receives the institutional visit of the Government of Gran Canaria

June 09, 2022

Metrotenerife, transport company of the Government of Tenerife, has received the institutional visit of authorities of the Government of Gran Canaria interested in learning about technical and maintenance aspects of the tram service.
Enrique Arriaga, President of Metrotenerife, welcomed Miguel Ángel Pérez del Pino, first vice-president as well as Azahara Sosa Delgado, director of the first Vice Presidency, and accompanied them on the tour of the facilities of the Tenerife Tram.

Autoridades de los Cabildos de Tenerife y Gran Canaria, de Metrotenerife y Titsa junto a un tranvía.

Arriaga commented that “the Gran Canaria authorities were informed of the technical and maintenance aspects of the units. So, our Maintenance Director, Ignacio Teresa, explained and answered the questions about mechanics, suppliers, safety system, etc. This visit highlights the good collaboration that both island institutions maintain in sustainable mobility, in fact, the Metrotenerife has its doors opened to companies, operators or delegations to exchange and share the knowledge and the experience that we have acquired throughout these first 15 years of service of the Tenerife Tram”.

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